Geophysical Data Manager
Anúncio: Geophysical Data Manager
Posição: Manager
Local: British Antarctic Survey, UK Polar Data Centre, United Kingdom, Cambridge
Posição: Manager
Local: British Antarctic Survey, UK Polar Data Centre, United Kingdom, Cambridge

The UK Polar Data Centre (UK PDC) has a vacancy for a Geophysical Data Manager based at the British Antarctic Survey offices on the outskirts of Cambridge.
The Geophysical Data Manager will be responsible for the management of geophysical data including multi and single-beam bathymetry, seismic, magnetic, gravity and radar data.
This is a very diverse role which will allow you be involved in all aspects of the data life cycle from planning and acquisition through to analysis and dissemination. There are many opportunities to further develop both the marine and geophysical data holdings of the Polar Data Centre and these roles would suit those with creative ideas and the initiative and skills to drive them forward.
The posts are primarily based in Cambridge but there may be the opportunity to support data management on a research cruise. Therefore you should be physically capable and medically fit to undertake marine cruises in polar regions of up to two months duration.
To manage scientific data collected by the UK polar community with an emphasis on marine, terrestrial and aero geophysical datasets. In this sense ’manage’ means a series of steps including planning, acquisition and processing through to reviewing and archiving and onto analysis and dissemination.
Manage marine, terrestrial and aero geophysical data. Tasks within this duty include data planning, acquisition, processing, archiving, analysis and dissemination. Datasets include multi and single-beam bathymetry, seismic, magnetic, gravity and radar data.
Act as the lead data manager for the Geology and Geophysics and the Palaeo Environments, Ice Sheets and Climate Change science teams within British Antarctic Survey (BAS). Ensure all relevant projects have an active data management plan and support and advise scientists on data management activities
Act as the designated data manager for Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) grant-funded projects with a polar geophysics focus where the PDC is named as either the primary or secondary data centre
Respond to internal and external requests for data, information and knowledge that have a polar geoscience focus
Support scientific data acquisition on marine cruises. This will primarily involve marine geophysics but will also encompass aspects of marine biology, marine geology and oceanography and other datasets as appropriate. Assist in the cruise planning stage to maximise opportunistic data acquisition. This post may support aero geophysical data acquisition in the future
Produce and contribute towards internal reports and documentation such as scientific cruise reports
Contribute towards and in some cases produce scientific research output including peer-reviewed literature, maps and digital products such as a GIS or a web service. As an example, a recent project involved the creation of a new tectonic map of the Scotia Sea
Co-operate with and provide data to national and international data assimilation projects. Examples include the Antarctic Digital Marine Anomaly Project and the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean both run under the auspices of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
As part of the Polar Data Centre team you will work within functional areas to develop common data management approaches across the scientific disciplines studied at BAS. These areas include data science, database and software development, web applications and data policy. It will be expected that you will possess skills to lead in some of these areas
Engage in public outreach activities where showcasing polar scientific data.
To undertake other duties as requested by the Director of BAS
Qualification: Degree or higher in a marine/biological or data management subject area (or equivalent)
The successful candidate will have experience of data management, ideally in a marine or geophysics related context. You will need a good range of general IT skills such as Unix/Linux experience, programming skills and database design. In addition, you will have experience using a variety of relevant software packages for managing/processing data, Geographic Information Systems or web application development.
The roles require excellent attention to detail and strong communication and team working skills. You will be expected to document your progress and engage successfully with a wide range of scientists and other stake-holders.
To submit your application, please click on the "Go to application page" button.
Your application will be considered for both the Geophysical Data Manager and Marine Data Manager unless stated otherwise in your application.
British Antarctic Survey (BAS), an institute of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), delivers and enables world-leading interdisciplinary research in the Polar Regions. Its skilled science and support staff based in Cambridge, Antarctica and the Arctic, work together to deliver research that uses the Polar Regions to advance our understanding of Earth and our impact on it.
The UK Polar Data Centre (UK PDC) is the focal point for Arctic and Antarctic environmental data management in the UK. Part of the Natural Environmental Research Council’s (NERC) network of environmental data centres, and based at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), it coordinates the management of polar data from UK-funded research and supports researchers in complying with national and international data legislation and policy.
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